Principal's Page
Mission – Our mission helps us define our purpose and answers the question, “Why do we exist?”
Why do we drive to 350 Woodspath Road every day?
Our Elmcrest Schools community is committed to helping all students acquire the academic and social/emotional skills necessary to become productive citizens now and in the future. All students have the right to learn these skills in a safe, caring, responsible, and respectful environment.
Our EE Mission is to Create positive Relationships so we can…
How we spend our TIME!
Vision-Our Elmcrest School Community is committed to all students acquiring the academic, behavioral, and social skills necessary to become productive citizens now and in the future.
All students have the right to learn these skills in a responsible, respectful, caring, and safe environment.
Values help us define our mission and vision, set goals, and decide on the non-negotiables that are important to our work.
How will we behave on the hardest days?
We will…
Build strong relationships
Persevere with integrity
Interact in a kind and compassionate manner
Assume positive intent
Make student centered decisions
Be open-minded and flexible thinkers
Eat lots of chocolate and drink lots of coffee
Goals – help us to define measurable action steps with data we can collect to measure our progress toward meeting our mission and vision
How will we measure the goals of EE students?
Strategic Plan Reading
By June 30, 2024, at least 80% of current 2nd grade students will read on grade level, as measured by AWP ORF at the 45th %ile.
By June 30, 2025, all current 1st grade students will read on grade level, as measured by AWP NWF at the 45th %ile.
By June 30, 2026, all current Kindergarten students will read on grade level, as measured by LWSF Orf at the 45th %ile.
Building Goals Reading
SMART goal:
70% of students will be reading at or above grade as measured by AWP on the LWSF/NWF/ORF by June 2024.
FALL: 52% of students are at or above grade level as measured by AWP on the LWSF/NWF/ORF in October 2023.
Strategic Plan Math
By June 2024, 80% of the current K-2 students at Elmcrest Elementary School will achieve proficiency according to the end of the year iReady diagnostic.
Building Goals Math
SMART goal:
80% of the students at Elmcrest are on grade level as measured by the grade level scaled score on the Ready diagnostic.
FALL: 11% of the students at Elmcrest are on grade level as measured by the grade level scaled score on the Ready diagnostic.
Elmcrest Elementary School
Important Message for all Parents:
- Please do not drop any children off at EE before 9:20 as we do not have supervision. This poses a serious safety concern and we ask for your due diligence in following our school hours.
- Please take your time and be cautious when dropping off and picking up your children at arrival and dismissal.
- School starts at 9:20. Please be prompt.
- Any student, who is not taking the bus home, needs a note.
- If your child is going to be out, please call 453-1252 between 8:00-9:00.
- If a child has a fever or has been getting sick, please keep them home.
- Please have your child ready for outdoor recess.
- When picking up your child at the end of the day, please wait in your car in the new traffic pattern.
- Update your contact names and numbers in the main office. We need to be able to reach someone in an emergency.
- If your child is sick in the nurse’s office and needs to go home, please have someone come as quickly as possible.
Please Keep In Touch:
Community ParentSquare:
Community members who subscribe to the district's Community ParentSquare mailing list will receive special messages from the Superintendent's office by e-mail regarding topics such as early dismissals and school closings, public hearings and important notices. Subscribers also will receive Board of Education meeting agendas and will be alerted when the District's Web site's Sex Offender Registry page has been updated. To join the electronic distribution list, please send your name, street address and e-mail address to Please include "Community ParentSquare" in the subject line of your e-mail.
Elmcrest Elementary Web site:
Resources on our Web site include an updated calendar, homework calendar, upcoming activities, Positivity Project, links to our elementary level curriculum, and our teacher webpages.
ParentSquare is a notification service for parental outreach, emergency broadcasts and student attendance communication. Parents can receive phone calls, text alerts, and e-mails about a range of important issues affecting their children and our schools. Information for how to sign up for ParentSquare can be found on the District's web page.
School Bell:
The 91论坛 CSD publishes the School Bell several times each school year. Each issue features important information for District families and community members.