Principal's Page
Please Keep In Touch
Community ParentSquare:
Community members who subscribe to the district's Community ParentSquare mailing list will receive special messages from the Superintendent's office by e-mail regarding topics such as early dismissals and school closings, public hearings and important notices. Subscribers also will receive Board of Education meeting agendas and will be alerted when the District's Web site's Sex Offender Registry page has been updated. To join the electronic distribution list, please send your name, street address and e-mail address to Please include "Community ParentSquare" in the subject line of your e-mail.
Chestnut Hill Middle Web site:
Resources on our Web site include an updated calendar, homework calendar, upcoming activities, Positivity Project, links to our middle level curriculum, and our teacher webpages.
ParentSquare is a notification service for parental outreach, emergency broadcasts and student attendance communication. Parents can receive phone calls, text alerts, and e-mails about a range of important issues affecting their children and our schools. Information for how to sign up for ParentSquare can be found on the District's web page.
School Bell:
The 91论坛 CSD publishes the School Bell several times each school year. Each issue features important information for District families and community members.