
The 91论坛 Food Service Program is participating in the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) grant program during the 2024-2025 school year. EVERY STUDENT ENROLLED IN THE DISTRICT receives one free breakfast and one free lunch each school day regardless of the family’s household income. Milk is free with a full meal. This program is for students ONLY. The free breakfast and lunch is added to every student’s “My School Bucks” account each day. Once those meals have been claimed, students have the ability to purchase additional items. Purchasing just milk will cost 70 cents, and an extra lunch entree will cost $2.25. All full second meal will cost $3.05 for elementary students and $3.25 for middle school and high school students. Smart snacks also will be available for purchase.

If a student would like to purchase a extra lunch entree, a full second meal or a smart snack, the 91论坛 Food Service Department uses the  in building cafeterias.

LCSD parents now have three ways to pay for their child(ren)'s extra items:

  • Prepay online using a credit or debit card
  • Prepay by cash or check made out to "91论坛." Money should be placed in an envelope labeled with your child's name and "lunch money" written on it.
  • Pay for lunch and/or a la carte items with cash or check at the time of purchase

The mySchoolBucks system gives each student a debit “account” and personal identification number (PIN). Once parents deposit money in the account, students can purchase lunch and a la carte items from the cafeteria, and the money will be deducted from the account.

LCSD parents and guardians can use mySchoolBucks' secure online prepayment service to add money to their child(ren)'s school meal accounts, as well as review and print a history report of all transactions for breakfast or lunch within the last 90 days (parents who do not wish to use the online service can contact the Food Service Department directly for that information).

Things to know about the online system:

  • If you have more than one child in the district you can handle all online pre-payments from the same online account.
  • Payments may be made with a major credit or debit card (VISA, MasterCard and Discover) or eCheck. Payments may be made at any time, and money deposited into a mySchoolBucks account will usually arrive by the next morning. Deposit confirmations will be sent directly to parent e-mail accounts..
  • In order to use the online prepayment service, a convenience fee for each transaction will be assessed to cover the bank fees. The convenience fee is $3.25 per deposit transaction. Parents placing money into multiple meal accounts will only be assessed the $3.25 fee once per deposit transaction. The 91论坛 does not receive this convenience fee, and will not profit from the use of this site.
How Do I Register to Use mySchoolBucks?
  1. Click on the "register for a Free Account" button.
  2. Select "New York State" and click "Continue."
  3. Select "91论坛" and click "Continue."
  4. Enter your Parent Information (name, address, phone number and e-mail address) and click "Continue."
  5. Create your Parent User Credentials (Login ID, Password and Security Question), click on the Notice Disclaimer box and click "Register."
How Do I Add Students to My Family Account?
  1. Click on the "My Household" link on the left-side navigation bar.
  2. Click on "Look Up Your Student" to add one or more students.
  3. Enter student information (name of school, first name, last name and student ID number) and click "Find Student" (if you do not have a Student ID number, click on the link underneath the Student ID Number box).
  4. If the system finds a match, please verify it is the correct student and select the "Add Student" button.
  5. Click on "Add Another Student" to repeat the process for additional children.
How Do I Make a Deposit?
  1. Click on the "My Household" link on the left-side of the navigation bar.
  2. Click on the "Make a Payment Link."
  3. Enter an amount in the Deposit column next to your child’s name.
    If you have more than one child, enter the amount you wish to deposit into the column next to each child’s name. DO NOT deposit money for your entire family into ONE child’s account.
  4. Click "Add to Basket."
  5. Review your Deposit Amounts. If you need to adjust the amounts, click on "Continue Shopping." If the information is correct, click on "Check Out Now."
  6. You will be directed a secure webpage to enter your payment information and Security Code.
    You can use a major credit card or eCheck to make your payment.
  7. Review your order and click "Place Order" when you are finished.
  8. You will receive a confirmation number (to help you locate this transaction at a later date) and a printable receipt will open in a new window (after printing this page, close the receipt window and click "Finish" to complete your order).

Any parent who has difficulty accessing their mySchoolBucks account can contact the Web site’s support department by e-mail or by phone (1-855-832-5226).