English Language Arts
Grade 7
Writing Requirements

- Persuasive Essay
- Research project TBD
- Narrative Poem
- Creative Piece/teacher choice
- Write on demand 4 times
- Foundation/short answer response
- Foundation/develop and organize ideas
Vocabulary Requirements

- Prefixes: in/un, inter, dis/con, mal/bene, uni/bi/tri re/pro, pre/post, mort/viv, contra
- Roots: scribe/script, rupt
- Vocabulary Level B units 3-6 (optional 1,2,7,8) Sadlier-Oxford
- Vocabulary in Context "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi"
Grammar Requirements
- Sentence Structure:
- Simple sentences
- Compound sentences
- Compound-complex sentences
- Comma before a coordinating
- Conjunction in a compound sentence
Literary Terms

- Reinforce: elements of plot(exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution), setting, simile
- Introduce: Characterization, Conflict (internal/external), Dialect, Onomatopoeia, Rhyme scheme, Narrative poem, Free Verse, Mood,Irony, Theme, Imagery, Personification, Hyperbole,
- Metaphor, Alliteration
Technology Skills
- Basic word processing (ex. Formatting)
Grade 8
Writing Requirements
- Persuasive Essay (literature based)
- Controlling Idea Essay
- Research project TBD
- Memoir
- Creative Piece/Teacher choice
- Write on demand 4 times
Vocabulary Requirements
- Prefixes: Chron, Trans, De, Ped/man, Med, Matri/Patri, Sub/super, Ex/in, Mono/poly, Omni, Circum, Micro/macro, Auto, Ultra/hyper, Geo, Bio, Hydr
- Suffixes: -ism, -logy
- Reinforce 7th grade Vocabulary
- Vocabulary Level B units 12-14 (optional 9-11, 15)
- Vocabulary in context "Flowers for Algernon," "12 Angry Men," and/or "Diary of Ann Frank"
Grammar Requirements
- Identify passive and active voice
- Edit writing to use comma to separate coordinate adjectives
- Edit to use comma, ellipses, or dash to indicate pause
Literary Terms

- Reinforce all 7th grade terms
- Reinforce author's purpose, point of view, genre
- Introduce: Suspense, Symbolism, Extended Metaphor, Omniscient. Allusion, Oxymoron, Dynamic and Static Character
Technology Skills
- Reinforce basic word processing
- Blogging
- Podcasting