91̳ CSD Adopts Increased Tax Exemptions

The 91̳ Board of Education recently approved an increase to property tax exemptions for resident senior citizens 65 years and older and those with disabilities and limited incomes.

Residents must meet income limitation requirements, as established by New York State, which correlate to an exemption percentage.

The BOE approved the sliding scale exemptions as follows: 

  • If income is less than $50,000.00 - 50% exemption
  • If income is less than $50,999.99 - 45% exemption
  • If income is less than $51,999.99 - 40% exemption
  • If income is less than $52,999.99 - 35% exemption
  • If income is less than $53,899.99 - 30% exemption
  • If income is less than $54,799.99 - 25% exemption
  • If income is less than $55,699.99 - 20% exemption
  • If income is less than $56,599.99 - 15% exemption
  • If income is less than $57,499.99 - 10% exemption
  • If income is less than $58,399.99 - 5% exemption

To receive senior tax exemptions, residents 65 years and older are required to participate in the Income Verification Program (IVP). The town assessor will verify your eligibility based on the income information you provide. Senior citizens approved for the exemption will have to renew their exemption in subsequent years. The assessors’ office will have copies of the forms available for residents. 

Those with disabilities and limited income will need to fill out the Application for Partial Tax Exemptions for Real Property of Persons with Disabilities and Limited Income to qualify. The assessors’ office will have copies of the form available for residents.

The deadline to apply for these exemptions is March 1 of each year in both the town of Clay and the town of Salina. 

For more information about possible property tax exemptions, contact your local town tax assessor at 315-451-3231 (town of Salina) or 315-652-3800 (town of Clay), or visit the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance Web site at www.tax.ny.gov, then click on the “Individuals” tab.