Petitions Available for Board of Education Seats

Three terms of office on the 91论坛 Board of Education will expire on June 30, 2023. Successors to these offices will be elected to three-year terms, effective July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2026, at the annual school district election on May 16, 2023. These board seats currently are held by Stacey Balduf, Craig Dailey and James Root.

Board of Education vacancies are not considered to be separate specific offices. The nominating petition does not describe a specific vacancy for which the candidate is being nominated.  

Each petition is considered for a seat on the 91论坛 CSD Board of Education as a whole and not as applicable only to a specific office presently held by a particular individual. 

Candidates may be nominated only by petition. Each nominating petition shall be filed with the Office of the Deputy Superintendent, in Room 1 of the District Office, 195 Blackberry Road, no later than 5 p.m. on Monday, April 17. 

Petition forms to nominate candidates for election to the Board of Education will be available beginning March 13 in the Office of the Deputy Superintendent, located in Room 1 of the District Office. 

Each nominating petition must state the name and residence of the candidate. Additional candidate requirements will be included in the board petition packet.

For additional information about Board of Education membership or the upcoming Budget Vote and BOE Election, contact the Office of the Deputy Superintendent at 315-622-7148 or visit